My sisters will be flying home this weekend. How times fly when you are having fun. I am feeling a bit sad now as I am not sure when I will get to see them again. Maybe next year either I will go back to Malaysia or they will come to visit again. The weather was sunny and warm for the past two weeks and we had BBQ over the week end. We grilled ribs, chicken, hot dogs, satay and corn with a few side dishes to go with it. Here are some of the pictures we took to share with you.

Carlos busy at the grill.

Elizabeth taking over :)

Ribs perfectly done. Juicy and tender.

Chicken breast and thigh.

Carlos cutting the ribs.

Not forgetting our favorite satay. Complete with peanut dipping sauce and nasi impit (pressed rice)

All ready to eat.

Nancy's dog Bandit.
olala that ribs look so tempting:)
your bbq food look so delicious especially the ribs..Carlos memang ada kungfu bakar membakar!! never mind la next year it's your tunr to visit your sister back in Malaysia..
Those ribs looks mouth-watering...:) Cum back next year ...time flies and I get to meet up with you too :))
You said it- time does fly when you're having fun. How wonderful that your sisters were able to visit you. Makes me miss my own 2 sisters. I know you'll always treasure your times together. =) Fun!
hi gert..
everything on the grill look sooo delicious!!!
Mouth watering bbq food! Both your sisters look like twin. Yeah! Time flies when we are having fun. Don't be sad, you will see them again next year.
Kak Elle, memang sedap :)
Lesley, he is pretty good with the grill. Hopefully I am able to go back next year. How is your trip coming along?
Elin, hopefully we can meet up again soon. Maybe you can come here as the ticket is pretty cheap now.
Yee, it was great having them here and 3 weeks flew by just like that. Hopefully I am able to see again them next year.
Laracroft74, thank you.
Zue, I sure hope so :)
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