I was reading Yahoo news this morning and came across this article.

In a society where melons are a luxury item commonly given as gifts, the watermelon's hefty price tag followed another jaw-dropping auction last month, when a pair of "Yubari" cantaloupe melons sold for a record $23,500.
The 17-pound, black-skinned "Densuke" watermelon, a variety grown only on the northern island of Hokkaido, was purchased Friday by a marine products dealer who said he wanted to support local agriculture, according to Kyodo News agency.
The price was the highest on record for a Densuke watermelon, said Kazuyoshi Ohira, a spokesman for the Tohma Agricultural Cooperative in Hokkaido. Most retail at department stores and supermarkets for a more modest $188 to $283, Ohira said.
And what makes a watermelon worth $200, much less $6,000?
Ohira says it's the unusual black skin and unparalleled taste. "It's a watermelon, but it's not the same," he said.
(News and photo from Associated Press)
Even if I am a millionaire there is no way I am going to pay that kind of money for a watermelon!!
That's absurd!!! I'd rather dye the local melons here black, than to spend that amount of money on that black melon. :)
so stupid. reminds me of my conversation w my cousin earlier today. apparently in starhill, there's a faber castell shop (u kno the pencil, pen and etc?) and theres a set of color pencil in mahogany wooden box tht cost RM1600and the worst thing is, somebody actually bot it!
Pinky, some people are just plain crazy and had too much money to waste :)
Farina, I know that set of color pencil :) I used to do Faber Castell media campaign. It's expensive because of the box. I pun ada satu set pen and mechanical pencil with the box. Of course I beli at a cheaper price :)
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