Carlos finally finish repairing the door and also painted the wall. It took him awhile to finish it because of the cold weather and now it look as good as new. He will be going away for a short business trip tomorrow and he told me not to get into any mishap again while he is away. No more calling the police or breaking the door down. I told him I will try my best ;)
mmmmm trying to figure out the best way to repair this Carlos said : "See, now you know why I like to buy a lot of clamps!! " It's as good as new.
Ummi, memang kat M'sia kita panggil carpenter. Mana ada buat sendiri. Kat sini mahal sangat. Kalau carpeter visit you sekali at least US$100 itu belum kira time kerja dia lagi. Lucky suami I pandai buat ni. Senang saya :) :)
Sweetiepie, my hubby is very handy person. Can repair most of the thing at home :)
Farina, I tergelak gelak baca your comment. I selalu marah dia beli banyak banyak clamps. Besar, kecik, panjang, pendek and color color lagi. Ada guna pulak tu :)
hehe yelah Gert. michael ada 2 clamps aje sbb tulah terkejut tengok Carlos punya clamps collection. i think dia saje guna semua sbb nak justify kat u why he bot so many. hahahah. jgn marah carlos ya?
It is so good to have a hubby who is handy around the house kan Gert ? ;) save more money tht way rather than calling someone else to fix it .. nice looking door by the way .. as good as new most definitely! ..
With a wide range of materials and features to choose from, you can easily find a new garage door to match your preference and budget. Though overhead doors of any size represent a large investment, adding a new garage door is the type of improvement that is likely to boost the resale value on your home. With a wide range of materials and features to choose from, you can easily find one to match your preference and budget. Garage Door Repair
I was born and raised in Malaysia and now live in Northern California, USA with my wonderful husband Carlos. I love to bake and cook. It is very relaxing and I find my creativity flowing in the kitchen. I creates this blog to record all my cooking and baking adventures and also share my tested recipes with you.
I don’t consider myself an expert but all the recipes here are tried and tested by me, unless noted otherwise.
If you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to do so, If you’re feeling shy or have a question about a recipe, drop me a line instead. My e.mail address is at my profile.
To know more about my life you can always hop over to my other blog.
wah kat US semua diy kan..kalau kat sini panggil je carpenter.. orang msia tak pandai diy diy ni.. ki ki ki.. ummi kutuk diri sendiri tu :) :)
Ummi, memang kat M'sia kita panggil carpenter. Mana ada buat sendiri. Kat sini mahal sangat. Kalau carpeter visit you sekali at least US$100 itu belum kira time kerja dia lagi. Lucky suami I pandai buat ni. Senang saya :) :)
It does look like brand new. Good job, Carlos!
you are lucky!hehe!your hubby is good in DIY.I don't think my hubby could fix that.
good job carlos! wow Gert, byknya clamps dia guna. dahlah kaler2, macam hiasan lah pulak. hehe.
Rita, thank you :)
Sweetiepie, my hubby is very handy person. Can repair most of the thing at home :)
Farina, I tergelak gelak baca your comment. I selalu marah dia beli banyak banyak clamps. Besar, kecik, panjang, pendek and color color lagi. Ada guna pulak tu :)
Carlos is pretty handy too... Looks good... brand new... Great job Carlos...
A job well done.
If it had happen over here, we would had call help which will cost us $$$$. Guys here are not in to much DIY.
hehe yelah Gert. michael ada 2 clamps aje sbb tulah terkejut tengok Carlos punya clamps collection. i think dia saje guna semua sbb nak justify kat u why he bot so many. hahahah. jgn marah carlos ya?
Cat, thank you.
Nonya, here is too expensive to call someone to help so most people will try to fix it themselves.
Farina, marah bukan apa. Is just dia beli beli tapi tak guna. You think clamps kat pintu tu banyak. Ada lagi berlambak lambak kat basement :) :)
Gert, pandai Carlos baiki pintu. It look new. Kalau Murphy, sure dah terbang $$$ kat carpenter.
It is so good to have a hubby who is handy around the house kan Gert ? ;) save more money tht way rather than calling someone else to fix it .. nice looking door by the way .. as good as new most definitely! ..
Zue, with all his wood working tools he better do be good :) :)
Envy, is too expensive to hire someone to do the job that is why most peopple are pretty handy here :)
With a wide range of materials and features to choose from, you can easily find a new garage door to match your preference and budget. Though overhead doors of any size represent a large investment, adding a new garage door is the type of improvement that is likely to boost the resale value on your home. With a wide range of materials and features to choose from, you can easily find one to match your preference and budget. Garage Door Repair
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